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  3. Simplifi mobile app Landing Page

Simplifi mobile app Landing Page

Landing Page

The mobile landing page design will give you a quick overview of all daily activity in various areas of your business that use the Simplifi mobile app.  As a supervisor, you can view all route driver activity, inventory functions, barcode training, service call status and cashless device status.  The Landing page is broken down into sections.  The overall layout is scrollable and you will be directed to the area of interest by tapping on any item in that area.  I.e. Tap on Physical Counts in the Inventory section will direct you to the “Physical Counts” screen or tapping on “My Calls” will open up the service call screen with all calls assigned to you.

User Permissions

Access to the various sections of the landing page are controlled by permissions set up in Global Settings. i.e. Access to Barcode training or Receipts can be controlled by a global permission. Reference the Global Setting document for all warehouse feature permissions. https://vendmaxhelp.com/knowledge-base/simplifi-mobile-warehouse-user-permissions

Route Schedule  

The Route Schedule section provides a summary To DO list of POS types left to visit for the current date, displayed at the top right.

When you add a route to the route schedule the To Do list will display the total for each POS type and each individual route will be listed about the TO Do section.

Planned Units – displays the expected number of products that will be added to all POS

Completed Units – displays the number of units added to all POS from visits that have been performed

POS Circle – displays progress of POS visits

Avg Units/POS – provides an average across all POS that have been visited and the total number of products added to those POS.

Inventory Functions

This section of the app will provide a summary for all Physical Counts and Transfers for the current service date.

Physical Counts – inventory count for any zone.  The summary page will increase the count as soon as a zone is selected.  It includes open and posted inventories.  It also can be a full or partial inventory. 

Transfers – A Zone-to-Zone Transfer or Zone-to-Zone Order can be created manually or from an Order.  The summary value will increment as soon as one product is added to the Z2Z.  Therefore, it includes Open and Posted transfers.

Receipts – Allows you to receive products from suppliers into a selectable zone.  (i.e. warehouse or truck)

Assign Barcodes – allows the user to scan an unknown barcode and choose the packaged product from the product picklist for which to associate the new barcode. 

Get/Refresh Data – Will refresh the physical counts and transfer data.

Settings – will direct you to the mobile app setting page

Service Department

Service calls are broken down into four categories.  Quick view daily activity screen allows you to select any of the four categories to see a summary for that particular topic. 

My Calls – number of calls assigned to the user that is logged into the mobile app.

Open – total number of service calls open across all POS & Routes

Closed – Number of POS service calls that were closed on the current date

Unassigned – number of service calls not assigned to a service technician

For instance, you can tap on “Open” to see the list of open calls.  Maybe there is a high priority call that came in that you want to assign now, this is a quick way to identify calls of that nature. 


The Device section provides a summary of searches and assignments on the given service date for a cashless device, Assign a cashless device and view SYNC POS list.

For more details, reference the cashless section of simplifi MOBILE.

Updated on June 22, 2021

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